
augustinian order

발음:   augustinian order 예문


  1. The treatments are based on natural remedies and have been passed down over the years by the Augustinian order of monks, meaning that it is a holistic experience.
    자연 요법을 기반으로 하는 관리법이 어거스틴파 수도승을 통해 수년에 걸쳐 전달되어, 전체론적인 체험이 가능합니다.

기타 단어

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  2. "augustine of canterbury" 뜻
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  4. "augustine volcano" 뜻
  5. "augustinian" 뜻
  6. "augustinian theodicy" 뜻
  7. "augustinians" 뜻
  8. "augustinos kapodistrias" 뜻
  9. "augustinus kim jong-soo" 뜻
  10. "augustine volcano" 뜻
  11. "augustinian" 뜻
  12. "augustinian theodicy" 뜻
  13. "augustinians" 뜻